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There are times in life when a person needs some help. It may be for a minor issue we feel a friend or a family member can handle, or a major problem requiring the help of a higher power. There are more than 200 different form of prayers provided, including prayers for such things as miracle, love, protection, repentance, and guidance.
The Pinnacle of Compassion presents ten stories from the New Testament and how they zero in on the bottomless well of Christ’s compassion, setting the example of how we, too, can tap into our own wells to help heal a world that sometimes seems to be drowning in anguish and sorrow.
Children expand on what they learn in church and school, seeing how Jesus’ everyday life was not so different from their own. Jesus is our role model, and each story in this audiobook gives children a lesson to hold on to and teaches them what they need to do to become not just learners, but doers of the word.
This book also focuses on some of Jesus’ parables, which he used to emphasize the issue of covetousness. Jesus does not want us to be greedy. He points our attention to being rich toward God. Open the book and open your heart!
This audiobook also focuses on some of Jesus’ parables, which he used to emphasize the issue of covetousness. Jesus does not want us to be greedy. He points our attention to being rich toward God. Begin the audiobook and open your heart!
Bible Giants of Faith reveals how ordinary people, in the Bible, seized their opportunity to move the hands of God into performing his miracles in their lives.
Audio books from our website focus on Bible stories and Bible characters, with applicable lessons and prayers to add grace to your understanding. Audiobook for free online listening and downloads here and on soundcloud. James Taiwo.
Learn more and buy other audiobooks by James Taiwo on Amazon and other online stores.
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